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Industry Experience

Software Developer, New Vector (London, England)

On-going development of the Dendrite homeserver implementation to bring it up to spec compliance and to improve general usability. Supporting and developing the gomatrixserverlib library, as well as on-going efforts to design and prototype new peer-to-peer methods for Matrix federation which can operate without relying on centralised infrastructure.

Lead Engineer, (Glasgow, Scotland)

Managing engineering efforts and acting as team lead for a number of managed desktop and IaaS services for UKPS clients (primarily in the Healthcare and Justice sectors), including application migration, mobility services and on-site/in-datacenter networks. Often customer-facing, working to build and maintain client relationships whilst triaging and prioritising engineer workloads.

Service Architect, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Glasgow, Scotland)

Service architecture and environmental design/implementation, primarily in the virtualised and Managed Desktop workspace, including application virtualisation, desktop and user management and backend infrastructure to support large-scale desktop and service delivery with Windows Server, SCCM, Citrix, AppSense etc.


User-Level Data Centre Tomography (ACM SIGCOMM, Helsinki, Finland)

Poster submission. Measurement and inference in data centres present a set of opportunities and challenges distinct from the Internet domain. Existing toolsets may be perturbed or be misled by issues related to virtualisation. Yet, while equally confronted by scale, data centres are relatively homogenous and symmetric. We believe these may be attributes to be exploited. However, data is required to better evaluate our hypotheses.

Therefore, we introduce our efforts to gather data using a single framework from which we can launch tests of our choosing. Our observations reinforce recent claims, but indicate changes in the network. They also reveal additional obfuscations stemming from virtualisation.


BSc Hons Computing Science (1st Class), University of Stirling (Stirling, Scotland)

Subjects of study include software development strategies, application development, networking and IP communications (SIP/VoIP), project management, information management (including XML, XSLT), programming language paradigms.


ACM SIGCOMM Undergraduate Research Prize (Helsinki, Finland)

Selected Finalist.